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    Set up and administer online panels

    The RogPanel panel software allows you to conveniently set up and manage customer-specific online panels without any programming knowledge. You can freely set up the user area according to your wishes and specifications. The integrated content management system allows you to flexibly make changes to the content and layout in real time. Of course, if you wish, we can also take care of panel administration and study support for you.


    At the same time, the range of functions from sample management and participant recruitment to evaluation in the statistics area leaves nothing to be desired. This shows you all distributions with regard to the characteristics and the response behavior of the panelists. The practical connection to our community software RogQ-Lab provides you with online focus groups, forums and blogs for qualitative surveys. Compatibility with common survey tools, interfaces for incentive systems and our professional panel app (for Android, iOS) offer additional convenience.

    Start our panel showroom
    • We are very satisfied with our first own online panel, which we built together with Rogator.


      – Jasmin Kratz, EL PATO Medien GmbH

    • We have quickly and very successfully built our own online panel with Rogator. The cooperation has worked excellently since the first day. Rogator has proven to be an absolutely reliable partner. We particularly appreciate the speed of response and the high level of service orientation of the entire team. This makes cooperation fun!


      – Tanja Seiter, Hubert Burda Media

      Your advantages with RogPanel

      • Convenient operation

        Panel administration and management of large data volumes can be so easy: Setting up and managing your own online panels can be done with just a few mouse clicks thanks to the clear interface and uncomplicated navigation. It is also possible to manage parallel panels. Changes to content or layout can be made quickly thanks to the integrated content management system.

      • Efficient recruitment

        Participants (or "panelists") are created manually or via import function in no time. Create professional mailings or conveniently integrate your existing (HMTL) templates. Personalized invitation letters help you to address the panelists, and your own panel website with (self-)registration function lowers the access hurdle. Direct access to the community allows you to quickly capture sentiment and opinions via surveys.

      • Accurate sample selection

        The extensive sample management offers many advantages for market research: The composition of any characteristics can be randomly controlled as well as targeted as desired. The exact control of quotas is also possible with RogPanel. Likewise, participant activity, score or recently received invitations can be used as pre-selection criteria to ensure an even load of your panelists.

      Insights into our panel software RogPanel


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      Manage online communities

      Find out in our short video how to comfortably manage online communities for regular surveys with our panel software and which features RogPanel offers you.


      Among other things, we show you how to assign permissions and task areas to specific people, create vouchers to incentivize your panelists, manage the participant area of your panel website and select participants for new survey projects and inform them about new surveys with manual or automated mailings.

      Convenient setup and management of your panels

      Find out more now for free

      Design your own online panels


      Flexible and individual


      With our panel software, you can set up the user area in which panel participants move according to your wishes and specifications. Content and layout are flexible thanks to the integrated content management system – changes can be made in real time at any time. Panel participants can register via a panel website and log in to the user area. There they will find all the essential information on panel use, such as the conditions of participation or premium info. Via the panel app (iOS/Android), you can reach your participants via push notification and thus ensure a high and fast response rate. Participants also have access to all important functions of their panel account.


      The following functions are available to the user:

      • Changing the profile data (password change function)
      • Survey history (overview of completed surveys)
      • Account balance/points balance
      • Info board with download function
      • Incentive shop and bonus redemption
      • Friends recruit friends function
      • Self-registration
      • Connection to RogQ-Lab
      Start the Rogator demo panel

      Everything at a glance

      Thanks to the various modules, RogPanel provides you with the full all-round view for achieving your goals in market research, such as an improved customer journey: All relevant information on panels, samples and surveys comes together in the comprehensive statistics area of our panel software. The visually processed survey results form the basis for efficient panel management in the long term.

      Overview of the software functions

      • Default settings and administration

        Rights management, bonus management, data cleaning as well as object and appointment management, content management system for maintaining the participant area

      • Random sample management

        Unlimited import(s) and editability of features and their characteristics, random control of sample composition (or as desired), participant activity, score and invitations received for preselection

      • Participant management

        Create participants manually, via import or via self-registration function, differentiate between simple and double opt-in procedure (double declaration of consent during registration)

      • Mailshots

        WYSIWYG mail editor, free creation of mailshots or integration of existing (HTML) templates, assignment of the correct language version, personalisation of invitations using predefined placeholders

      • Statistics

        Insight into the data obtained, overview of survey results, basis for subsequent analyses

      • Other features

        Panel app (iOS & Android) for mobile access, multilingualism, user interface available as standard in German, English and French

      Get to know our panel software for free!

      Do not hesitate to request an online webinar tailored to your individual needs. So that you can get a picture of the full range of functions of our panel software in peace, we will demonstrate it to you in detail in an online demonstration and answer all your questions.

      Request online demonstration now
      Lizenzen Holzwuerfel

      Licence models for the use of RogPanel

      We offer our proven panel software in different licence models, so that a suitable model is available for every user and for every project. Our range of services for the panel software includes an annual licence, the panel setup, a kick-off panel workshop, a full service package, hosting as well as service and support.


      We would be happy to advise you individually on our service package.

      All licences at a glance
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