Home » software licensing models » 360-degree feedback tool

Rog360 licence model

How to use Rog360

Annual licence
Offer 1
  • Use for 1 year

  • Account setup

  • Customising

  • Project management

  • Monitoring of the entire field phase

  • Questionnaire creation OPTIONAL Questionnaire check*

  • Questionnaire programming

  • Development & creation of the evaluation routine

  • Automated reporting (individual reports in PDF format)

  • Survey hosting (SSL-encrypted) on powerful Rogator survey server

  • Access to online statistics via RogManager

*We would be happy to check your existing questionnaire

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Workshops (optional)*
Offer 2
  • Kick-off workshop (at your location)

  • Info workshops (internal communication)

  • Train-the-trainer sessions

  • Follow-up workshops

  • Reflection workshops

  • Results workshops

*You can optionally book these services in addition to the Rog360 licence. You can freely choose your workshops according to your individual needs

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Additional services (optional)*
Offer 3
  • Multilingualism (for questionnaires, evaluation routines & customising)

  • Hotline for survey participants during the field phase

  • General report (in PDF format at aggregated level)

*You can optionally book these services in addition to the Rog360 licence

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Innovative software for your surveys


A strong team will take care of your concerns

Customer focus

Our solutions are flexible and customer-orientated

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Tel. 0911 / 8100 550