
Equality in companies

Evaluate equality culture and promote equal opportunities
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Equality Barometer


Gender equality is a highly relevant and at the same time explosive topic in the professional world. If you want to be seen as an attractive employer and ensure employee motivation, well-being and satisfaction in the long term, you have to be well positioned here. Therefore, it is very important for companies that gender equality is not just a theoretical construct, but an everyday reality in the company.

Use our Equality Barometer to quickly and easily find out how your employees rate your company on different dimensions of equality. Promote fairness, diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace through a structured catalogue of measures. Use the survey to show your employees that you are aware of and care about the issue of equality and want your employees to feel comfortable and valued in the long term. Build a strong internal and external employer branding and positively influence your corporate image.


We are happy to be your reliable partner in this! Benefit from our agile software solutions, our many years of experience in the field of employee surveys and the guarantee of anonymity and data protection at the highest level.

  • For the technical implementation of our diverse survey projects, we have a long-standing partner at our side in Rogator. We particularly appreciate Rogator’s pronounced expertise and the high quality of their services. This, the flexibility of our contact persons, their fast response times and last but not least the uncomplicated cooperation have repeatedly confirmed our decision in favour of Rogator.


    – Beatrice Neuwald, CIP Corporate Intelligence Partners

  • The collaboration with Rogator was smooth and trusting – we could always count on Rogator’s relevant experience. All our specifications and wishes were implemented reliably, quickly and flawlessly.


    – Dr. Thorsten Klaas-Wissing, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund

  • The collaboration with Rogator was smooth and trusting – we could always count on Rogator’s relevant experience. All our specifications and wishes were implemented reliably, quickly and flawlessly.


    – Dr. Thorsten Klaas-Wissing, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund

    Your advantages with the Rogator Equality Barometer

    • Maximum customisability

      We develop a customised questionnaire together with you. Of course, we take into account your corporate philosophy, culture and goals as well as your individual questions and needs. From this you derive a structured catalogue of measures for the long-term and effective promotion of gender equality in your company.

    • Increase employer attractiveness

      By involving your team in optimisation processes on the topic of gender equality, you show that this topic is of great importance in your company and strengthen employee loyalty and your employer branding. In addition, you create a positive external effect and thereby sustainably increase your reputation and your company's success.

    • Data protection and know-how

      Benefit from our many years of technical and methodological know-how in all areas of employee surveys. We guarantee data protection and anonymity in all steps of the process. No external service providers are involved and we manage your data exclusively on our DIN27001 certified server landscape.

    Promoting equality with Rogator

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    Success factors of equality

    • Target group orientation

      Aspects of equality and related offers by the employer often affect individual employee groups or departments as well as genders to different degrees. With the help of our powerful software, you can address different target or employee groups in your company individually and comfortably within one survey. In this way, you can use clever filtering and complex questionnaire control to display precisely tailored questionnaire content to the different target groups.

    • External partner

      As gender equality is a highly sensitive issue, the survey should always be conducted by an external partner. Only in this way can you guarantee the anonymity of the employees at all times, credibly convey the separation of personal data and the answers given and actually exclude traceability by the HR department or management. The trust of your employees in the anonymity and independence of the external partner is crucial for a high response rate and honest feedback.

    • Credibility

      Your staff must feel that your survey is an honest, important concern. Establishing this credibility requires methodological and technical competence on the part of the service provider as well as a high degree of transparency in the (pre-)communication and handling of the survey.

    • Communication

      Pre-communication is very important for response. Employees should not be confronted with the survey for the first time with the invitation. Advance information by email, letter, intranet or in the employee newspaper are very important. By including the planned survey in your company communication and using your managers as advocates, you will create a more open attitude towards the issue of gender equality. It is also important to anchor it in your corporate philosophy in order to place equality as an important topic in your company even beyond the survey.

    • Transparency

      In order to get honest feedback from your employees in the future, transparency and tangible follow-up processes are crucial. It is therefore important that you communicate the results of the gender equality survey to your staff and publish the measures decided on as a result. At least as important is the transparent monitoring of the effectiveness of the measures taken in order to ensure long-term success.

    • Comparison of time series

      It does not happen overnight that outdated structures are broken down and the rethinking and sensitisation for gender equality are established at all levels of a company. This makes it all the more important to anchor this topic deeply in all company structures. You can achieve this by regularly addressing the issue in the form of repeat surveys. This also allows you to measure the development and document the success of your measures in the long term.

    Rogator advises you individually on all questions regarding the Equality Barometer

    Questionnaire Equality Barometer

    In the Rogator Equality Barometer, employees are surveyed in order to promote equality and equal opportunities in the company, to optimise them where necessary and to ensure that they are sustainable.


    The most common topic here is gender equality, but aspects such as faith, age, physical limitations, social or ethnic origin, cultural background, etc. can also be addressed in such a survey.

    Mit Mitarbeitergesprächen Mitarbeiterfluktuation entgegenwirken: Ein Vorgesetzter ist in einem Gespräch mit seiner Angestellten.

    Possible questionnaire content

    • Equal treatment / fairness / equal opportunities
    • Working atmosphere
    • Corporate culture / diversity
    • Leadership behaviour
    • Women in management positions
    • Remuneration (gender pay gap)
    • Compatibility of family and career
    • Offer of family-friendly working time models
    • Development opportunities / career advancement
    • Mobbing / Discrimination
    • Harassment in the workplace
    • Structures / Processes / Transparency
    • Neutral authority / complaints office
    • and much more

    Services at a glance

    • 1. Kick-off workshops and individual counselling

    • 2. Customised questionnaire development

    • 3. Communication support

    • 4. Participant invitation and reminder mailing

    • 5. Survey implementation (online, hybrid, paper-pencil)

    • 6. Evaluation and reporting

    • 7. Presentation of results

    • 8. Effectiveness monitoring (RogActionPlanner) and follow-up surveys

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