Kinderhände halten Erde und und Keimling in der Hand und symbolisieren damit Nachhaltigkeit


Our Commitment to Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability
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What we do today determines what the world will look like tomorrow.



Against the backdrop of increasing global and regional crises, it is Rogator’s central concern to contribute to mitigating this trend and thereby making the world a better place to live. Therefore, we have firmly anchored the topic of sustainability in our corporate principles. We take on social responsibility. For us, this primarily means making our actions sustainable.


Sustainability means satisfying the needs of the present in such a way that the opportunities of future generations are not restricted[1]. This principle of business ethics is summarized under the term “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR). It is based on the idea that that companies should maximize positive effects for society and stakeholders and minimize negative ones, whereby this social responsibility encompasses an ecological, economic and social dimension.



Geschäftsleute halten die Hände übereinander über einem Tisch mit Plänen zu Nachhaltigkeit undCSR

This results in the need to actively incorporate the topic of sustainability into corporate strategies. In addition, social expectations, also increasingly in the form of legal requirements, aim to ensure that companies make a binding commitment to sustainable development. We are going one step further by having our current sustainability efforts evaluated by an independent expert (Enterprise Network at Bayern Innovativ).


Through this external evaluation of our sustainability activities, we not only gain insight into the current status of our efforts to implement our sustainability strategy but also identify additional opportunities for improvement. This helps us expand the positive effects on ecological, economic, and social levels in the future.

What is a sustainability audit?

As part of the sustainability audit, companies receive a comprehensive assessment of the current status of sustainability activities in their company.


Experts from the Enterprise Europe Network at Bayern Innovativ carry out the sustainability check on the basis of a moderated, Europe-wide established self-assessment called the “Corporate Sustainability Navigator (CSN)“.


Mann sitzt mit Stift in der Hand vor einem Block und stapelt Holzwürfel mit Nachhaltigkeitssymbolen übereinander

What is the CSN of Bayern Innovativ?

Bayern Innovativ GmbH is an initiative of the Free State of Bavaria, founded in 1995, which sees itself as a “knowledge manager, initiator and accelerator of innovations” for companies. Bayern Innovativ addresses the needs of small and medium-sized companies in particular.


The CSN is an analysis of the sustainability status in companies. It assesses sustainability efforts in the dimensions of “Profit” (economic sustainability), “People” (social sustainability) and “Planet” (ecological sustainability).

Plan mit nachhaltigen Aktivitäten und Maßnahmen eingerahmt von Pflanzen

What are the benefits?

  • Objective analysis of the current situation & anonymous comparison with other companies
  • Professional moderation & support from experienced experts
  • New ideas through an independent evaluation & a neutral view from the outside
  • Solid basis for decisions and concrete action plans

How is it assessed?


The assessment is based on 4 rating levels, each of which illustrates the current status as well as the ambitions in the field of sustainable development. This scale ranges from 0-100%. The sustainability efforts of 64 companies were compared with each other.

  • No commitment (0%): Sustainability dimensions are not addressed in company activities.
  • Basic commitment: Implementation of minimal measures to increase sustainable development in the company, as long as these do not lead to recognizable additional costs or efforts.
  • Investment: The sustainability dimensions play an important role for the company and it is prepared to make corresponding investments in this area or has already implemented corresponding measures.
  • Integration (100%): The company has successfully integrated its sustainability efforts as part of its core business.


Ergebnis Rogator AG Nachhaltigkeitsdimensionen von Bayern Innovativ

How did Rogator perform?

Overall, Rogator achieved an above-average result in all dimensions. In particular, Rogator achieved the highest rating in the area of economic sustainability (profit). With an overall score of 90% on the four-point scale, Rogator ranks among the top 10 of the comparison group (industry average 59%).



The following section takes a closer look at individual strengths of Rogator AG in the individual sustainability dimensions. In each case, the values on the four-point scale that were already fulfilled by Rogator at the time of the assessment (current status level) are shown.

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Economic Sustainability

(Current status level 100%, Industry average 71%)

Strengths and specific measures of Rogator AG

  • Stapel mit Münzen und Keimling dahinter symbolisieren wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit

    Economic Growth

    • Software (G3plus) is always kept up to date and adapted to the latest trends
    • Rogator is agile and adapts flexibly to changes in demand
    • Three pillars: software, customer feedback, employee feedback
  • Mann sitzt am Schreibtisch und verfasst anhand hölzerner Blöcke mit Umwelt-Icons seine Nachhaltigkeitsagenda


    • Innovation officers in all areas of the company
    • Analysis of customer requirements in annual meetings
    • German market research innovation prize

    Social Sustainability

    (Current status level 87%, Industry average 53%)


    Strengths and specific measures of Rogator AG

    • Regenwald vor Sonnenaufgang symbolisiert Teilnahme an Aufforstungsprogrammen für soziale Nachhaltigkeit

      Basic Standard of Living

      • Employees are supported in their search for housing and in dealing with authorities
      • Support for the Sea Shepherd and WeForest organizations
      • Donations in kind and logistical support for aid programs, e.g. for Ukraine or sponsored children via Plan International
    • Junges multinationales Team symbolisiert soziale Gleichheit in dem es in die Kamera lächelt und als Ausdruck des Zusammenhalts die Hände aufeinander hält

      Social Equality

      • Two equality officers in the company
      • Employees from different countries (Iraq, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland…)
      • Meetings and/or protocols are sometimes conducted bilingually to avoid language barriers
    • Person hält Glühbirne mit Doktorhut darauf hoch - steht für Bildungsengagment im Rahmen sozialer Nachhaltigkeit


      • Further training is actively promoted by the management and executives
      • Internal: Knowledge portal and coaching programs for soft and hard skills/External: RogCampus project to support academic staff and students
      • Cooperation with various universities
    • Frau hält Papierherz mit ausgeschnittenen Herztönen in die Kamera - Reminder an Gesundheitsmaßnahmen im Rahmen sozialer Nachhaltigkeit


      • Internal risk assessment (GBU) at the workplace/first aid courses for employees
      • Height-adjustable workstations and at least two monitors/fully equipped home office workstations
      • Participation in the B2Run
    • Tafel mit Aufforderung im Rahmen der sozailen Nachhaltigkeit lokal einzukaufen umrahmt von verschiedenem Gemüse

      Sustainable Cities & Stable Communities

      • Cooperation with local refugee organizations (Ziegelstein), e.g. job placement, support with internal surveys or offers for residents
      • Rogator primarily buys from local and sustainable suppliers/service provider

      Ecological Sustainability

      (Current status level 83%, Industry average 57%)


      Strengths and specific measures of Rogator AG

      • Blatt mit Aufschrift CO2 vor Regenwald symbolisiert CO2 Kompensation im rahmen ökologischer Nachhaltigkeit


        • Compensation of CO2 emissions through the support of (re)forestation programs
        • Conserving resources by switching from paper to online surveys
        • Servers and hardware with good energy efficiency and reparability/high-efficiency power supplies
      • Fisch aus Plastiktüte in Ozean zeigt Notwendigkeit für ökologische Nachhaltigkeit auf

        Waste & Pollution

        • Paperless office is promoted, almost all processes are digitalized
        • Support for the “One Earth – One Ocean e.V.” association to rid the world’s waters of plastic waste, oil and chemicals
        •  Vehicle fleet has been reduced, new purchases are electric or low-motorized vehicles

        Management of Sustainable Development

        (Current status level 89%, Industry average 54%)


        Strengths and specific measures of Rogator AG

        • 3 Stapel mit Holzblöcken mit verschiedenen Umwelticons und Glühbirne mit Zweig darin symbolisieren Notwendigkeit für Nachhaltigkeitsziele innerhalb der Unternehmensziele

          Goals & Strategy

          • The corporate objectives include sustainability targets, which are continuously reviewed and evaluated in the QM system
          • Offering sustainability management services with a benchmark for customers
        • junge Frau stellt ihren Kollegen ihr Nachhaltigkeitskonzept vor

          Organization and Culture

          • Employment opportunities for migrants, the long-term unemployed and people from rehabilitation programs
          • Bonus payments for employees for innovation contributions (defined in employment contracts)
        • Zwei Geschäftsmänner schütteln sich die Hand und besiegeln damit ihre nachhaltige Partnerschaft


          • RogAward for initiatives/NGOs with a particularly sustainable commitment
        • mehrere Geschäftleute sitzen an Tisch und arbeiten an nachhaltigen Entwicklungsprozessen symbolisiert durch verschiedene, bunte Zahnräder

          Development Processes

          • Sustainability is an important factor in the development of services and their marketing, e.g. long service life of software (basic software G3plus)
          • An external IT consultant evaluates the sustainability of purchases, among other things
        • Geschäftsleute sitzen an Tisch und nehmen Validierung vor, die auch für die Wirkungsmessung von Nachaltigkeitsmaßnahmen wichtig ist

          Impact Measurement

          • Auditing of sustainability targets as part of quality management
          • Continuous improvement in all areas of sustainability
        • Kind hät Schild mit Aufschrift protect the planet hoch und fordert damit zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit auf


          • Several organizations have already chosen Rogator AG because of its commitment to sustainability, among other things
          • Separate website section on sustainability commitment

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